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BScNursing and Patient Care [Nurse]

Debreceni Egyetem
Magyarország, Debrecen
Egészségügyi Kar Magyarország, Nyíregyháza
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Short description
Nursing and Patient Care (Nurse) program provides theoretical and practical knowledge of nursing science.
The aim of the training is to train nurses, who are able to participate in preventive, curative, caring and rehabilitation work with full responsibility.
The graduated nurses have broad knowledge of nursing patients, they know the main diagnostical methods, the therapeutic environment, they are masters of their profession. Additionally they have the appropriate communication skills in the medical field, they know the basic ethical principles, the legal characteristics of patient care, the different forms of social care, the basics of pharmacology, the structure and tasks of medical management, the basics of health informatics and are able to perform the proper nursing documentation.


The program consists of lectures, demonstrational classroom practices and field practice.
During the 8 semesters there are basic modules, professional core studies and specialized subjects. Apart from the lectures and the demonstrational classroom practices students should perform field practices too.

Professional practice for full-time students: 1928 hours
Practice within the university for full-time students: 596 hours
Field practice for full-time students: 1332 hours

Main subjects
Year 1
General Principles of Health Care and Nursing, Biophysics, Imaging Diagnostic Techniques and Technical Basics, Biochemistry, Theoretical Psychology, First-aid Application, Functional Anatomy, Hungarian Language, Health Informatics, Law in Health Sciences Training, Latin, Health Development (Pedagogy and Health pedagogy), Physiology-Pathophysiology, Microbiology, Pathology
Year 2
General Principles of Health Care and Nursing, Internal Medicine, Physiology-Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Hungarian Language, Health Informatics, Basics of Research Methods, Preventive medicine and public health, Health Development, Gerontology, Paediatrics, Skill Development, Clinical Practice, Surgery, Professional Care
Year 3
Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine and Nursing, Paediatrics, Clinical Practice, Surgery Professional Care, Psychiatry, Surgery, Surgery and Nursing, Professional Care, Dietetics, Neurology, Gynecology, Obstetrics
Year 4
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Clinical Practice, Community Medication, Oxiology and Emergency Patient Care, Rehabilitation, Professional Care, Thesis


Career prospects:
The nurses may be located in healthcare, various public and private health care facilities, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and other areas of social and educational sectors as well as charitable organizations as well. Based on their acquired knowledge the graduates can continue their education in master programs.

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