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NONPreparatory Course in Hungarian Language

További információ



The preparatory programme is organized for international students who intend to participate in academic programmes in Hungarian language. The duration of the course is 2 semesters. By completing the programme the students gain relevant skills to be able to start bachelor studies in any Hungarian institute of high education.


High number of classes in Hungarian Language and Culture.
General knowledge: European studies: history, culture, geography, the European Uninon.
Specific courses on the individual interests of the students.


Students completing the preparatory course are encouraged to continue their studies in any of WJLF’s academic programmes in Hungarian such as Social Work, Theology, Pedagogy and Environmental Science.

Jelentkezzen most! Tanév 2025/26
Végső határidő
2025. jan. 31. 14:00:00
közép-európai időzóna
Tanulmányok kezdete
2025. szept. 1.
Jelentkezzen most! Tanév 2025/26
Végső határidő
2025. jan. 31. 14:00:00
közép-európai időzóna
Tanulmányok kezdete
2025. szept. 1.
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