Logo of Eszterházy Károly Catholic University

BAKindergarten Education

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Program description:
The aim of this 3-year bachelor program is to educate and train pre-school teachers who are equipped with decent professional literacy and knowledge. They possess sophisticated teaching capabilities, self-awareness as well as people’s knowledge to create engaging and age-appropriate learning environment. They are capable of keeping full focus on the children and show positive attitudes towards them. They are able to cooperate with the children’s families and various stakeholders in society and to apply the best teaching practices in a variety of educational environments. They have the competencies for transferring universal and national values. The courses focus on early childhood education from psychological and pedagogical aspects, language development, the role of play, foundations of literacy, arts, music, mathematics and science, intercultural issues and research in early education

Jelentkezzen most! Tanév 2025/26
Végső határidő
2025. jan. 31. 14:00:00
közép-európai időzóna
Tanulmányok kezdete
2025. szept. 1.
Jelentkezzen most! Tanév 2025/26
Végső határidő
2025. jan. 31. 14:00:00
közép-európai időzóna
Tanulmányok kezdete
2025. szept. 1.
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