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MScAdvanced Practice in Nursing

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The aim of Advanced Practice Nurse – Nurse Practitioner studies is to train
nursing professionals who are able to make complex decisions and have detailed
competencies in clinical practice. They own competencies in life sciences,
health sciences, nursing sciences, nutrition sciences, physiotherapy, medical
sciences, social sciences; mainly in clinical, diagnostical, therapeutical and
special nursing purposes. They use this knowledge to fulfill the advanced field
of competencies, think critically and work individually. They are able to
examine, diagnose patients, apply therapies individually, make special invasive
treatments, manage and educate patients.
Based on their management skills they are able to lead teams, plan and manage
clinical researches with their knowledge of biostatistics and research methods.
They are able to practice their profession in countries where the law and
protocols allow it. They can continue their studies on PhD level.

Entrance exam:

Type of entrance exam:

Entrance exam location:

Entrance exam description:
Oral motivation interview

Mr. Attila Kovács
international affairs coordinator


Basic fields of study:
• basic health sciences 8-10 credits
• applied health sciences 8-10 credits
• nursing sciences 4-6 credits
• health management 2-4 credits
• pharmaceutical sciences 3-5 credits

Special fields of the Nursing MSc programme (35-55 cr. from the whole study

Intensive Care Nurse Practitioner Speciality
- applied health sciences 6-8 credits
- theoretical and clinical medical sciences 4-7 credits
- intensive nursing skills 20-25 credits

Primary Health Care Nurse Practiotioner Speciality
- applied health sciences 6-8 credits
- theoretical and clinical medical sciences 4-7 credits
- community nursing skills 20-25 credits

Emergency Care Nurse Practiotioner Speciality
- applied health sciences 6-8 credits
- theoretical and clinical medical sciences 4-7 credits
- emergency nursing skills 20-25 credits

Type of courses (with different type of completion):
• theoretical
• practice
• demonstration room practice
• field practice

Exams: written / oral / practical

Grade system:
1 – fail / no pass
2 – close fail but passed
3 – average, improvement needed
4 – above average grade, very good
5 – best possible grade, excellent

The minimum amount of credits to be collected in every semester is 18.


APRN (Advanced Practice Registered Nurse)

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