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PhDRoth Gyula Doctoral School of Forestry and Wildlife Management Sciences [Agricultural Science]

Soproni Egyetem
Magyarország, Sopron
Erdőmérnöki Kar Magyarország, 9400 Sopron, Bajcsy-Zs. u. 4.
További információ



Programme description:
The Doctoral School has eight programmes which encompass all the branches and interfaces of forestry and wildlife management sciences. Education and research at the Doctoral School are pursued in the basic and applied sciences, related to forests, wildlife, and nature. It is the only doctoral school in Hungary, where all the personnel and material conditions are provided for an independent doctoral school in these areas of science. This wide spectrum of studies makes it possible that a wide range of students are addressed and received in the PhD programmes for foresters, environmentalists, horticulturists, ecological engineers, agricultural engineers (including economic, environmental, rural development, and mechanical courses), landscape designers, veterinarians, applied zoologists, biologists, biology teachers, etc.
The following programmes are available:
1 Ecology and Diversity of Forest Ecosystems,
2 Biological Basis of Forest Management,
3 Forest Assets Management,
4 Forest Technology,
5 Wildlife Management,
6 Nature Conservation,
7 Geoinformatics,
8 Environmental Pedagogy.

Entry requirements:
The master degree and the proposed research plan must fit the competences of the doctoral school.

Entrance exam:

Type of entrance exam:

Entrance exam location:

Entrance exam description:
After checking the graduation (master degree or equivalent) and language certificates, the research plan will be evaluated and its matching with the competences of the doctoral school examined. Professional suitability and linguistic appropriateness of the candidates will be assessed in electronic oral interviews (via phone or skype).

Dr. Ferenc Facsko
Head of the Dean’s Office

Preparatory year available:

Specialisation year available:

Minimum number of scholarship holders:

Maximum number of scholarship holders:



Conditions of obtaining PhD degree:
- master degree;
- completing the academic commitments according to the university’s doctoral regulation;
- successful doctoral comprehensive exam;
- presentation of academic activity through written publications (published in volumes or accepted for edition) in approved magazines accepted by the Doctoral School. (The conditions of academic activity are determined by the doctoral programmes in the appendix and it is introduced to the applicants before enrolment.);
- the knowledge of two foreign languages is necessary for the chosen field of science;
- the preparation and the submission of dissertation and theses of the dissertation prepared with the methods of academic work and also the defence of the dissertation on public disputation in front of the committee;
- clean record.

The process of obtaining PhD degree:
1. comprehensive exam
2. first disputation
3. public disputation


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