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végzettség szerzésére nem irányuló Preparatory Course in Hungarian Language

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Program description:
The MagyarOK preparatory course© prepares foreign students, who learn Hungarian as a foreign language for university studies in Hungary. It aims to make participants competent language users, while giving effective help for students to meet the demands posed by the Hungarian higher education environment. The course is a 4-module, complex language and academic preparatory programme, which starts with an innovative, general language training (A1-B1/460 contact hours) followed by a transition section. This module complements the general Hungarian classes with thematic seminars modelling higher education environment, thus prepares students to CEFR B2 level language exam (B1-B2/200 contact hours). The final part of the course contains academic language classes and field specific preparatory courses (180 contact hours). The programme provides a stable knowledge of Hungarian as well as professional language preparation in the field of medicine, sciences and human sciences.

Entrance exam:

Type of entrance exam:

Entrance exam location:

Entrance exam description:
Based on the Skype interview it is decided, wheteher the applicant will be placed in a group where English is the intermediary language or in a group where students are thought Hungarian without intermediary language.

Ms Zsófia Antal
program coordinator

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