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MScEnvironmental Engineering

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Program description:
The aim of the program is to raise Environmental Engineers having up-to-date knowledge in natural sciences, ecology, engineering, business management, being capable of recognizing and preventing environmental hazards occurred in different fields. With their professional knowledge they are able to mitigate and eliminate environmental problems and damages. Nevertheless they learn how to utilize natural resources rationally, develop and operate cleaner technologies, they are capable of neutralizing hazardous waste having knowledge in the field of nature and land conservation, regional policy and environmental management. Their overall knowledge let them be able to plan, organize and control environmental projects and participate in engineering work creatively. Furthermore graduated Environmental Engineers, MSc., may continue on with their studies at doctoral schools which functionally join the environmental engineering training.

Entry requirements:
BSc degree, TOEFL 66, IELTS 5.5, Attestation of Language Proficiency in case of English language former study (full BSc programme)

Entrance exam:

Type of entrance exam:

Entrance exam location:

Entrance exam description:
Oral exam containing questions regarding the core subjects.

Dr. Varga Béla
assistant research fellow

Preparatory year available:

Specialisation year available:


The structure of the educational program according to the training and output requirements is shown below:
1. Basic educational courses: 29 credit
natural science basic courses: 19 credit
economic and human subjects: 10 credit

2. Environmental engineering professional core courses: 85 credit
professional core subjects 19 credit
project work 36 credit
diploma work 30 credit

3. Electives: 6 credit

Totally 120 credit

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