Tanulmányok helye | Magyarország, Budapest |
Típus | Master, teljes idejű képzés |
Névleges időtartam | 4 félévek |
Tanulmányok nyelve | angol |
Kurzuskód | Arts |
Felvételi követelmény | Alapdiploma (vagy magasabb szintű) A jelentkezési dokumentumokat a következő nyelveken tudjuk fogadni: angol / magyar. A iskola gyakran tud megfelelő nyelven készült indexmásolattal/kreditigazolással szolgálni. Amennyiben ez az Ön esetében nincs így, szüksége lesz hivatalos fordításra az eredeti dokumentum hivatalos másolatával együtt. English or Hungarian If your application documents are not issued in English or in Hungarian please ensure to provide official translations either in Hungarian or in English. |
Nyelvi követelmények | angol Applicants are not required to present an English language certificate, however a minimum B2, preferably higher-level knowledge of English is necessary. Applicants’ language proficiency will be evaluated and assessed during the admission process and at the entry examination interview. |
Egyéb követelmények | Legalább 2 referenciát be kell nyújtania. Szükség van megfelelő portfólióra. Portfolios must be uploaded to the Tempus Public Foundation’s DreamApply interface together with the apllication documents. The content and format requirements for the portfolio will be available on our website from November 22: Please choose the Diaspora Scholarship menupoint. Portfolios will be reviewed by a committee of our professors. |
További információ |
The main pillars of the MA Animation programme are developing independent perspectives, finding an individual artistic voice and creative method, and mastering a responsible designer approach. Content development is at the heart of the programme, which teaches students the different roles and processes of animation production as well as and the use of immersive and emerging technologies (AR, VR, MR). During the master program students will have the chance to delve deeper into animation related fields within the frames of specialisations. The Video Game specialisation aims to respond to the increasing demand for game designers in the Central and Eastern European region. Students who choose the programme will learn about game mechanics, game design, developing, prototyping and producing video games and the game industry. The Immersive Storytelling specialisation provides students with theoretical and practical knowledge on designing immersive narrative spaces and working in virtual and extended reality environments.
MOME provides a budget, through different grants and partnerships, for developing and producing diploma films. After graduation, MOME takes care of the afterlife of the films by submitting them to festivals and helping the freshly graduated filmmakers with the distribution and promotion.
Graduates may join international training programmes, such as the MEDIA-supported ASF, to build and grow their professional network, find possible coproduction partners, and enter the international arena.
Modules and specialisation can be found on the following link:
Animation Director
Character Designer
Game Graphics Developer
Level Designer
Previsualisation Artist
Interactive Art Creator
Digital Content Designer