Interaction Design
Tanulmányok helye | Magyarország, Budapest |
Típus | Master, teljes idejű képzés |
Névleges időtartam | 4 félévek |
Tanulmányok nyelve | angol |
Kurzuskód | Arts |
Felvételi követelmény | Alapdiploma (vagy magasabb szintű) A jelentkezési dokumentumokat a következő nyelveken tudjuk fogadni: angol / magyar. A iskola gyakran tud megfelelő nyelven készült indexmásolattal/kreditigazolással szolgálni. Amennyiben ez az Ön esetében nincs így, szüksége lesz hivatalos fordításra az eredeti dokumentum hivatalos másolatával együtt. If your application documents are not issued in English or in Hungarian please ensure an official translatin in English or in Hungarian. |
Nyelvi követelmények | angol Applicants are not required to present an English language certificate, however a minimum B2, preferably higher-level knowledge of English is necessary. Applicants’ language proficiency will be evaluated and assessed during the admission process and at the entry examination interview. |
Egyéb követelmények | Legalább 2 referenciát be kell nyújtania. Szükség van megfelelő portfólióra. Portfolios must be uploaded to the Tempus Public Foundation’s DreamApply interface together with the application documents.The content and format requirements for the portfolio upload becomes available on our website from November 22: Please choose the Diaspora Scholarship menupoint.Portfolios will be reviewed by a committee of our professors. |
További információ |
Everything around us is constantly turning digital, from services to everyday routines. The way to remain true to ourselves and the relationship we want to have with technology is very much up to us, digital product designers. By providing students with solid professional knowledge and future-proof market competencies, it helps them hold their own anywhere in the world despite the rapidly changing technological environment. With a history of interaction design courses and research programmes dating back to 2013, MOME’s English-language IxD MA programme was launched in 2021. Uniquely, it enables students to learn directly from outstanding designers and researchers also from outside MOME, and thereby gain insight into their work.
Unique design career paths by focusing on business cases and value generation of IxD
Enhance your strategic skills instead of focusing only on crafting or creative abilities
Dedicated opportunities to build professional network with peers, experts and partner companies to jumpstart your career * Meet unbiased thinkers, professors who are optimistic about our future but critical about how we are shaping it.
Our principles
Most of our teachers also have jobs outside the university, and we understand the need to make ends meet during the 2 years you spend here. Our training schedule is workfriendly and can be adjusted to fit your part-time or full-time job or freelance work. We want to help you pursue your dream career, and so it is up to you how much effort you want to put into your studies.
Whole person, mind, and spirit
Moholy-Nagy’s famous concept has been given a new meaning. As we became addicted to our screens and information, new technologies and possibilities emerged that put our bodies back into focus. Interaction Design can bring a new balance to our digital futures, and come up with new ways to digital consumption and creation.
Courage to be Utopian
Global social and economic challenges have turned our world increasingly unpredicatable, and dystopian, grim futures and the resulting anxieties have became the new norm. Designers, however, are inherently positive – It is our job to constantly seek new solutions. In Walter Gropius’s words, we need to have the courage to act as utopians, while retaining a remain critical approach to our designs and sociotechnological trends.
Perhaps the biggest challenge is the new level of uncertainty that overshadows our shared future. Our priority is to prepare students for a huge variety of problems that need to be solved. Therefore, we focus on imparting knowledge that is adaptable and skills that are fundamental for success through a unique combination of design methodologies and critical thinking. At the same times, students constantly engage with researchers, design practitioners and designers in business-focused roles. Not only will they learn to fall in love with the problem (and not the solution), but also to embrace the unknown.
Professional competences
Small, diverse student teams receive direct and quality mentoring, where they can successfully develop their own design character and professional focus. The aim is to acquire a professional, knowledge-based, experimental, critical, creative, and future-oriented attitude. To this end, our students work on real-life professional and social challenges, with the direct involvement of market partners. During the training, we focus on the successful participation of our students in international and local projects and on becoming familiar with international professional communities and conferences. The knowledge gained in the Master’s programme provides the necessary technical and design theory background to allow our students to succeed in different fields.
Director of Design Institute: Péter Molnár
Head of Programme: Tamás Fogarasy, interaction designer
Digital product designer
User experience (UX) and user interface designer (UX/UI designer)
Interaction Designer (2D or XR)
Design strategist
User experience researcher (UX Researcher)
Visual designer