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Diaszpóra Felsőoktatási ÖsztöndíjHungarian Folk Dance (2 weeks) HDS

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The course aims to support the professional and methodological development of the participants. During the first week, dance technique trainings and Hungarian folk dance material will be developed in workshop format, according to the prior knowledge of the participants. In the second week, the acquired dance knowledge will be processed in the context of teaching methodological issues in the framework of experiential exercises and micro-teachings. In the practical training, the participants’ practical knowledge will be expanded through exercises related to Hungarian dance material, technical knowledge, rhythmic and stamina exercises. During the development of methodological knowledge, they will become familiar with the methods used in Hungarian folk dance education, taking into account age-specific features, the dance material required in these methods and the basics of group and rehearsal management. To differentiate the curriculum and adapt the course to prior knowledge, the online interface supporting the course includes tools to assess participants’ prior knowledge. The training will be organised with co-teaching to professionally address the specificities of female and male dancers.

Contact person – name: Nikolett Áder
Contact person – position: international coordinator
Contact person – email: contact@mte.eu
Contact person – phone: +36 30 145 9451

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