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Our Online Open Day is organised for all who are interested in our study programs.

Thu 5 December 2024, 3 pm CET (Central European Time)
Wed 8 January 2025, 3 pm CET (Central European Time)

REGISTRATION for the Online Open Day

Please visit the Faculty webpage for further details:

For further info about the Online Open Day, contact us at

See you soon!


Online Nyílt Napot tartunk mindazon érdeklődők számára, akik szeretnének többet megtudni a Karon Diaszpóra Felsőoktatási Ösztöndíjjal megpályázható képzéseinkről.

2024. december 5., csütörtök, 15 óra (CET, magyar idő szerint)
2025. január 8., szerda, 15 óra (CET, magyar idő szerint)

REGISZTRÁCIÓ az Online Nyílt Napra

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Hamarosan találkozunk!


120 ECTS

Discover the Secrets of Biology with IT Tools

Bioinformatics is a science at the intersection of computer science and life sciences. By processing ever-increasing amounts of biological data, bioinformatics transforms data into information, paving the way for further scientific discoveries.

Bioinformatics knowledge is indispensable in all areas of biotechnology, including personalised medicine, drug and vaccine development, and database and software development for biomedical data.


Sequence Analysis
Structural Biology
Bioinformatics Algorithms
Molecular Diagnostic Data Processing Techniques
Systems Biology Modelling Techniques
Mathematical Description of Complex Systems
Modelling of Neurobiological Processes


The following specializations are built into the curriculum of the study programme:
● Specialization in Biomolecular Data Interpretation
● Specialization in Systems Biology


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Link to Bioinformatics Master’s program

Program details


Discover the Secrets of Biology with IT Tools

The program unfolds over a duration of 1+4 semesters (1 foundation semester + 4 semesters), providing a comprehensive and structured educational experience.


International students must attend a Foundation Semester in the fall semester, before starting the actual Master’s program. Thus, the actual commencement of the Master’s program is February.
The goal of the foundation semester is to level students for their Master’s program in Budapest, helping to ensure that they can complete their studies successfully.
The foundation semester helps students to recap, develop, and upgrade the Bachelor-level skills needed to succeed in their Master’s program.

Students may only start the four-semester Master’s program upon successful completion of the Foundation Semester.


The curriculum of the study program (120 credits) comprises the following modules:

- Fundamentals in Natural Sciences and Mathematics (requirements for diploma: 22 credits)
- Economics and Humanities (requirements for diploma: 5 credits)
- Skills in Programming and Data Analysis (requirements for diploma: 27 credits)
- Specialization (requirements for diploma: 27 credits) 


The specializations developed in the program prepare our students for the following areas of research and development and innovation activities:

Biomolecular Data Interpretation

During the last decade, next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods ignited a profound transformation in personalized medicine by providing an affordable and efficient diagnostic background. Today’s trends include single-cell analysis techniques allowing the investigation of tissue heterogeneity, including tumors. In addition, novel high-throughput techniques are joining NGS in 3D protein structure prediction, proteomics, metabolomics analysis, etc. Interpreting the results obtained by these investigations is key in today’s molecular biology and medicine and is expected to become even more important.

Our specialization in Biomolecular data interpretation offers courses in a wide range of data processing and analysis. Besides NGS, functional analysis of DNA and protein sequences, proteomics studies, and macromolecular modelling are key aspects in understanding and influencing molecular processes.

Systems Biology

Quantitative analysis of large data sets can be performed using systems biology approaches. Such models can describe biological processes by considering molecule interactions and provide testable predictions. There are already efforts to use systems biology in biomedical applications, e.g. to predict the effect of potential drugs and to select molecular targets for a prospective therapy. With appropriate models, the complexity of the human nervous system can also be understood in more detail. Of course, systems biology utilizes the plethora of molecular and cellular-level data, incorporating them into specialized mathematical models.

In our Systems Biology specialization, we provide detailed mathematical and computational background, including the description of nonlinear systems and parameter estimation. We also introduce the data types and cellular processes relevant to systems biology models and give a comprehensive overview of current and prospective applications. We also offer specialized courses, e.g. with a focus on neurobiological modelling.

Program details

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