Doctoral School of Literature [Arts and Humanities]
Tanulmányok helye | Magyarország, Budapest |
Típus | Doktori, teljes idejű képzés |
Névleges időtartam | 8 félévek |
Tanulmányok nyelve | angol |
Kurzuskód | Arts and Humanities |
Felvételi követelmény | Mesterdiploma (vagy magasabb szintű) Végül az egyetemre magával kell vinnie a bemeneti követelmények teljesítését igazoló dokumentumok eredeti példányát. |
Nyelvi követelmények | angol B2 |
Egyéb követelmények | Legalább 2 referenciát be kell nyújtania. Statement of supervision must be uploaded. |
További információ |
Doctoral School of Literature
Doctoral Programme in English Literature
Our doctoral school provides doctoral training in literary and cultural studies in English and Hungarian. The English language track, launched in 2024, is dedicated to English literature.
At PPCU’s Doctoral School of Literature, students can acquire the 240 credits required to obtain the final certificate (absolutorium) in three modules. The study units in all modules are worth 5 or 10 credits. The value of the credits that can be obtained from compulsory subjects is a total of 130 credits, the credits that can be obtained from compulsory optional subjects are a total of 110 credits, and the credits that can be obtained from optional subjects are a total of 10 credits. The new and final form of our course list was designed according to the research areas of the regular members and instructors of the DS.
Compulsory and elective courses include the following: Aspects of Literary History, Literary Critical Theory, PhD Research Methods, Doctoral Workshop, Academic Writing and Publishing, Academic Conferences: Participation and Organization, Textology and Philology, Literature and Visual Culture, Archives and Manuscripts, Fantastic Literature, Aspects of Irish Studies, Aspects of Modern British Literature, Aspects of North American Studies, Connections and Comparisons between English and Hungarian Literature, Popular Culture and Cultural Theory, Reading Critical Literature, Drama and Theatre, Adaptation, translation and transfer, Aspects of Shakespeare Studies. Courses are taken during the first two years of the training, which period is concluded by a complex examination. Consultations with the supervisor are scheduled from the first to the fourth year of the programme. Additional credits must be earned through research activities: conference presentations and research publications.
Information on the application process can be found on the English language homepage of the Doctoral School of Literature. Fee-paying students may contact the Doctoral School through email, the applicants for the Stipendium scholarship should contact the Tempus Foundation in order to express their intention to apply to the doctoral programme and send the documentation needed for the application process (MA degree, the necessary language skills, statement of acceptance from chosen supervisor, proof of valid travel documents, motivation letter). The Doctoral School and the Doctoral Office will contact the candidates and conduct the entrance application procedure on a previously designated day.
The entrance interview will be conducted in person (preferably) or online. The applicant will be informed about the decision in writing.
Further information about the programme:
Mr. Tamás Hógenburg
head of international office