BScMaterials Engineering
Tanulmányok helye | Magyarország, Miskolc |
Típus | Bachelor, teljes idejű képzés |
Névleges időtartam | 7 félévek |
Tanulmányok nyelve | angol |
Díjak | BSc (BSc in Materials Engineering) |
Kurzuskód | Engineering Science |
Felvételi követelmény | Gimnázium / középiskola (vagy magasabb szintű) Végül az egyetemre magával kell vinnie a bemeneti követelmények teljesítését igazoló dokumentumok eredeti példányát. |
Nyelvi követelmények | angol Language proficiency examination: Level B2 Minimum Language Test Scores: The English language proficiency requirement can be waived in case of previous studies completed fully in English with qualification documents (i.e. high school diploma or undergraduate degree in case of applications to graduate programs) issued originally in English. |
Egyéb követelmények | Legalább 2 referenciát be kell nyújtania. A medical certificate and other documents (according to the Call for Applications) must be added to your application. |
További információ |
In the frame of the high-standard full-time Materials Engineering BSc program students are not only provided with a thorough practical foundation but emphasis is also put on improving their engineering skills through the Faculty’s active and extensive relations with top companies.
The widely recognized Materials Engineering program is particularly useful for the next generation of factory/plant engineers as it represents a deep, theoretical and practical knowledge of the given specialization.
It is a unique training with a focus on metal-technologies or ceramics and polymer engineering (which are the two specializations of the BSc program).
SPECIALIZATIONS: Metal-technologies; Ceramics and polymer engineering
Ms Henriett Tóth –
For more information:
With the BSc degree in Materials Engineering, you can fill positions all over the world that require highly qualified professionals, like factory/plant engineering or self-employed engineering in an enterprise. Thanks to the specializations, our graduated students can find a job in the metallurgical, foundry, ceramics, polymer and energetics industry.