MScPetroleum Geoengineering
Tanulmányok helye | Magyarország, Miskolc |
Típus | Master, teljes idejű képzés |
Névleges időtartam | 4 félévek (120 ECTS) |
Tanulmányok nyelve | angol |
Díjak | MSc (MSc in Petroleum Geoengineering) |
Kurzuskód | Engineering Science |
Felvételi követelmény | Alapdiploma (vagy magasabb szintű) A jelentkezési dokumentumokat a következő nyelveken tudjuk fogadni: angol. A iskola gyakran tud megfelelő nyelven készült indexmásolattal/kreditigazolással szolgálni. Amennyiben ez az Ön esetében nincs így, szüksége lesz hivatalos fordításra az eredeti dokumentum hivatalos másolatával együtt. Végül az egyetemre magával kell vinnie a bemeneti követelmények teljesítését igazoló dokumentumok eredeti példányát. |
Nyelvi követelmények | angol Language proficiency examination: Level B2 Minimum Language Test Scores: The English language proficiency requirement can be waived in case of previous studies completed fully in English with qualification documents (i.e. high school diploma or undergraduate degree in case of applications to graduate programs) issued originally in English. |
Egyéb követelmények | A motivációs levél a jelentkezés kötelező melléklete. A medical certificate and other documents (according to the Call for Applications) must be added to your application. |
További információ |
Petroleum Geoengineering master program builds up on strong earth sciences (geology, geophysics, geoinformatics, hydrogeology) and also petroleum engineering basic skills in development, production, processing and transportation of hydrocarbons. Students will have an overview of the whole upstream part of the petroleum industry. The program focuses on competencies, skills and methods applied in geology, geophysics, petrophysics and geochemistry as demanded by hydrocarbon exploration, field development and production projects. Special attention is paid to the grey area between geology and petroleum engineering including but not limited to estimation, categorization and classification of resources and reserves as well as management of petroleum exploration and production projects.
Crude oil and natural gas are likely to remain the most important energy resources for our century. Therefore, the exploration and development of the hydrocarbon fields need earth science engineers in the long term. The Petroleum Geosengineering master programme builds up on strong earth sciences (geology, geophysics, geoinformatics, hydrogeology) and also petroleum engineering basic skills in the development, production, processing and transportation of hydrocarbons. Students will have an overview of the whole upstream part of the petroleum industry. The program focuses on competencies, skills and methods applied in geology, geophysics, petrophysics and geochemistry as demanded by exploration, field development and production projects. Special attention is paid to the grey area between geology and petroleum engineering, including but not limited to estimation, categorisation and classification of resources and reserves, as well as management of petroleum exploration and production projects. Students receive an integrated background in earth science (geology, geophysics, geoinformatics, hydrogeology) disciplines and also basic skills in the petroleum engineering segment of development and production of hydrocarbons. Since this is one of the most globalised industries in our time, a great advantage is provided if the graduates learn and practice the subjects in English, the generally accepted language of the profession. Miskolc is a well-known centre of education for extractive industries and lies in the heart of traditional mining regions, also close to several gas and oil fields. It has a central position for the countries in the northeastern segment of the Carpathians, i.e. Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania. This offers a unique opportunity to provide ample choice of field experience, partly in nearby occurrences, partly at cooperating industrial and institutional partners in Hungary and in other countries.
Ms Henriett Tóth –
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Since the petroleum sector is one of the most globalized industries in our time, the Petroleum geoengineering programme gives a great advantage to the graduates to apply for positions at multinational or national oil and gas companies, at international service companies such as Schlumberger.