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MScEnvironmental Science

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The aim of the training is to train environmental scientists with a high level of basic knowledge and appropriate practice in all disciplines necessary for the creative practice of the distinctively multidisciplinary environmental science, with a broad range of widely applicable and versatile skills, general literacy and a modern approach to science. They are prepared to meet society’s needs for the management and planning of environmental science. They are ready to pursue their studies at doctoral level.


Nature conservation, Global and regional climate changes, Green chemistry, Inorganic chemical methods in environmental analytical chemistry, Soil microbiology, Soil protection, Air quality protection, Aquatic Environment Protection, Environmental law and management, Waste and By-product Utilization, Environmental and Landscape Management, Environmental Engineering Knowledge


In health, food, plant protection, pharmaceutical, environmental and quality control laboratories. In national parks, nature conservation organisations, environmental, soil and water laboratories, municipal and non-governmental organisations carrying out research, management and service activities.

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