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PhDInformatikai Tudományok Doktori Iskola [Műszaki] (informatikai tudományok)_hu

További információ



Program description:
The PhD Program in Computer Engineering is designed to pursue research in the areas of infocommunications, algorithms, data security, data bases, and software technologies. There are at least 20-30 research topics announced by the doctoral school for international students every year. This list is available only to applicants qualifying for the oral part of the entrance exam. Accepted applicants are assigned a supervisor, who guide their research work all through the 8 semesters and beyond.

There are doctoral subjects providing the disciplinary background of research, including cutting-edge mathematics in the domain of stochastic processes, functional analysis and linear algebra, also networking and algorithms. Altogether 30 credits of such electives should be completed. The majority of the credits, however, should be collected from research work and the related activities.

The curriculum comprises 2 phases:
1) In the training and research phase, students should take all the required doctoral subjects, while actively working on their research and publications. They should contribute to teaching BSc and MSc students as well. At least 120 credits should be obtained by the end of the 4th semester.
2) In the research and dissertation phase, students should continue and finish their research, produce further publications, and start working on their dissertation. Another min. 120 credits should be obtained, having altogether min. 240 credits by the end of the 8th semester.

Milestones of the program:
1) Complex Review Exam:
- Should be taken at the end of the 4th semester, as an entry to the second phase.
- Aim: to give an account of the knowledge gained from the taught subjects, and of the results already achieved and to be achieved during the research work.
2) Submission of the dissertation for public defence:
- AFTER earning all the 240 credits set in the curriculum, completing the dissertation and passing the in-house defence, and having all the publications required for the degree appeared; BUT
- WITHIN 3 years after the complex review exam.

In order to earn the degree, the dissertation should be successfully defended in a public defence.

The student status ceases at the end of the 8th semester, independently of when the dissertation is submitted and defended!

Entry requirements:
1) Completed MASTER’S studies with an overall result of min. 70%. This should be proven by the DEGREE٭ awarded AND the TRANSCRIPT of all corresponding records.
Applicants still doing the MSc should upload, IN ADDITION to the transcript, an official certificate of the EXPECTED date of graduation.

2) Appropriate knowledge of ENGLISH language

3) Sufficient background KNOWLEDGE in the field, proven at an online TEST during the admission procedure.

4) Sufficient knowledge related to the selected RESEARCH topic, proven at an oral INTERVIEW via Skype during the admission procedure.

Entrance exam:

Type of entrance exam:
written and oral

Entrance exam location:

Entrance exam description:
Selection process:
all applicants should write an online test → pre-evaluation of the submitted documents → qualifying applicants should choose 1 to 3 research topics from the offered list → evaluation of the test results and the submitted documents by the selected supervisor(s) → applicants meeting the criteria should have an entrance interview on Skype → statement of commitment or refusal by the interviewing supervisor(s) → decision by the doctoral school

Selection criteria:
→ appropriacy and quality of the below DOCUMENTS (ALL are required!):
- MSc transcript and (if already awarded) degree: min. 70% overall result required
- language certificate
- research plan / MSc thesis abstract (the latter one preferred)
- motivation letter
- recommendation letters (reference from current or earlier teachers / employers)
PERFORMANCE at the entrance exam (written and oral):
- oral language skills (the interview is in English)
- motivation, attitude
- technical preparedness in the selected research field
→ the number of VACANCIES for the topic, and the overall capacity of the supervisor

Ms. Fanny Szondy
international coordinator

Dr. László Gergely Vigh
Directorate for Education

Preparatory year available:

Specialisation year available:

Minimum number of scholarship holders:

Maximum number of scholarship holders:



Az informatikai doktori program keretében az infokommunikációval, algoritmusokkal, adatbiztonsággal, adatbázisokkal és SW technológiákkal kapcsolatos kutatási tevékenység zajlik. A felvett hallgatók a kutatási területük szerint szakmacsoportot választanak, mely meghatározza a kötelezően teljesítendő tárgyakat.

A felvételi eljárás egy nyelvismeretet, előzetes tudományos eredményeket, előzetes tanulmányokat értékelő pontozáson alapul, valamint egy szóbeli felvételi elbeszélgetésből. Az elbeszélgetésen fontos szempontok, hogy tudja-e a jelentkező
- miről fog szólni a kutatása
- milyen tudományos értékű eredmények várhatók
- ismertetni a már elért eredményeket
- mi a különbség a kutatás és fejlesztés között

Minimum ösztöndíjas kvótaszám:

Maximum ösztöndíjas kvótaszám:



There are doctoral subjects providing the disciplinary background of research, including cutting-edge mathematics in the domain of stochastic processes, functional analysis and linear algebra, also networking and algorithms. Altogether 30 credits of such electives should be completed. The majority of the credits, however, should be collected from research work and the related activities.

The curriculum comprises 2 phases:
1) In the training and research phase, students should take all the required doctoral subjects, while actively working on their research and publications. They should contribute to teaching BSc and MSc students as well. At least 120 credits should be obtained by the end of the 4th semester.
2) In the research and dissertation phase, students should continue and finish their research, produce further publications, and start working on their dissertation. Another min. 120 credits should be obtained, having altogether min. 240 credits by the end of the 8th semester.


A 8 szemeszterből álló doktori program elvégzéséhez 240 kreditet kell teljesíteni. Ez a kreditmennyiség az alábbi módon áll össze:
- 30 kredit doktori tárgyak elvégzéséből. Ezek a doktori tárgyak adják a kutatási tevékenység diszciplináris alapjait.
- 120 kutatási tevékenységből
- 60 kredit publikációs tevékenységből
- 30 kredit oktatási tevékenységből. A BSc, ill. MSc képzés oktatásában való részvétel célja a prezentációs, magyarázási és vitakészség fejlesztése.

Jelentkezzen most! Tanév 2024/25
Ez a felvételi időszak nem alkalmazható
Jelentkezzen most! Tanév 2024/25
Ez a felvételi időszak nem alkalmazható