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Study length is normally eight (8) semesters.

In the first four semester there is possibility to participate in class trainings. One seminar per semester is obligatory.

After four semesters there is an examination about the history of philosophy and own research area (complex examination). The success of the exam is the condition of the continuation and of writing the dissertation. The second stage (5-8 semester) is an independent work with the supervisor.

Students have to collect 240 credits, 30 credits per semester. In the first four semester the obligatory one seminar is worth of 30 credits. In the second part 30 credits per semester is given by the supervisor in the case of continuous work on the dissertation.

There is no obligation of publication, but it is recommended.

Main topics of studies and research: History of Philosophy, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Theory of Science, Philosophy of Language, Ethics, Social Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Aesthetics.

Complex exam

The exam has two parts. First is the theoretical part, content is topics in history of philosophy and in systematic philosophy which are relevant to the dissertation’s subject. The second part is about the individual research work and about the already written chapters of the dissertation.

Submitting the dissertation
The dissertation can be submitted any time with the approval of the supervisor.

1-5 scale, 5 is the best. For being valid the defence, it must reach 66% of the points.

Ms. Alexandra HAFFNER-KISS
programme coordinator


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