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PhDDoctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences [Engineering Science]

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Program description:
The goal of the Doctoral School is to train academics and professionals who have a comprehensive understanding in safety and security sciences and profound knowledge in a specific area of their respective research, and can perform individual, creative research in the field and work with the practical applications. Supervisors and professors of the Doctoral School are the teachers and researchers with outstanding scientific records from three faculties of Óbuda University and other academics invited from various Hungarian universities and research institutes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Currently there are 50 teachers, among them 40 supervisors.
The students of the Doctoral School, due to the complex character of Safety and Security sciences, must be engineering or science graduates with a deep graduate level knowledge in safety and security sciences, and must demonstrate their expertise in an admission test.
The academic program of the Doctoral School aims at understanding the relations among the biometrical systems and devices, and new structure and method develop, by integrating various areas of sciences. Special emphasis is given to critical infrastructures and systems, in particular to explosive metalworking technologies.
The activities of the Doctoral School also cover advanced approach to IT-technology Research areas
a) Biometrical devices and methods
b) Metal science and explosive metalworking technologies
c) UAV systems
d) Critical infrastructures
e) Info-communication systems and technology.

Entry requirements:
An MSc degree in the field of the science relevant (engineering) to the selected programme. Minimum Language Test Scores 6.5 IELTS/ 79 TOEFL iBT/ 213 TOEFL CBT/ 550 TOEFL PBT/ CAE. Preliminary published research activities.

Entrance exam:

Type of entrance exam:

Entrance exam location:

Entrance exam description:
The Examination Board for the entrance examination of the PhD program evaluates both the records of the previous studies and the submitted research plan of the applicant.
The following prerequisites must be presented: – Relevant master’s degree from an accredited institution. – Certified qualification in spoken and written English language. – Preliminary published research activities. Curriculum vitae or resume should be submitted describing education, work experience, research experience, teaching experience, professional affiliations, and publications of the applicant. Research plan should be prepared with the structure below. All points must be answered separately.
1. Title of research work.
2. Title of research topic and name of supervisor as it was announced by the Doctoral School of Applied Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Óbuda University.
3. Key words (3-5).
4. General preliminaries in own research activities (motivation, preliminary research, connections with other research programs, etc.).
5. Preliminaries and outside research connections in the field of the planed doctoral research.
6. Specific research objectives, their relevance and importance, and topicality within the actual branch of science.
7. Specific subtasks of the proposed research (3-5 rows), their interdependence and external connections.
8. Planned research procedures, techniques and methods, demand for and availability of equipment, devices, and toolkits for each subtask.
9. Partial results of the planned research, subtasks relevant to them. The greatest possible delimitation of things and relations to examine and analyze.
10. List of publications on the primary sources which are intended to consider and cite in the course of the planned research for each partial result. This list must be coordinated with the outside research connections tagged under points 5 and 7.
11. Title of minimum 4 subjects and their semester based schedule. In the case of need for additional discussion with subject leaders, answer to this point of the research plan can be postponed.
12. Supervisor’s note.
13. Date.
14. Signature of the supervisor.
15. Signature of the student.

Mrs Erika Hronyecz
Doctoral School Coordinator

Preparatory year available:

Specialisation year available:

Minimum number of scholarship holders:

Maximum number of scholarship holders:



Required 240 credit points.

During the whole doctoral training:
8 subjects 48 credits,
semester reports 92 credits,
publication minimum 75 credits.

Other possibilities to collect credits: teaching tasks, participation in projekt works.

During the PhD program the Board evaluates the grades of the studied courses, the progress in the research activity and the quality of the scientific publications (if any).

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