BScElectrical Engineering
Tanulmányok helye | Magyarország, Budapest |
Típus | Bachelor, teljes idejű képzés |
Névleges időtartam | 7 félévek (210 ECTS) |
Tanulmányok nyelve | angol |
Díjak | BSc (Electrical Engineer) |
Kurzuskód | Engineering Science |
Felvételi követelmény | Gimnázium / középiskola (vagy magasabb szintű) A jelentkezési dokumentumokat a következő nyelveken tudjuk fogadni: angol. A iskola gyakran tud megfelelő nyelven készült indexmásolattal/kreditigazolással szolgálni. Amennyiben ez az Ön esetében nincs így, szüksége lesz hivatalos fordításra az eredeti dokumentum hivatalos másolatával együtt. Végül az egyetemre magával kell vinnie a bemeneti követelmények teljesítését igazoló dokumentumok eredeti példányát. PDF files are preferred, however, images are accepted as well. |
Nyelvi követelmények | angol B2 |
Egyéb követelmények | A motivációs levél a jelentkezés kötelező melléklete. Detailed plan about your future (field of profession in electrical engineering) would be apprecieted. Online entrance examination in the MOODLE system and the results of G.C.E. and language exam. Detailed information about the procedure is available at: www.uni- The topics of the placements tests of Mathematics and Physics are available at the institutional website ( as well as some Tests with Solving Keys from previous years to help to prepare for your ones. Both English language skills and personal motivation will be examined by online interview. |
További információ |
Electrical engineers graduated from the Faculty specialized in the field of their studies will be able to solve engineering problems and they will be familiar with information technology as well. According to their studies – in the field of (micro)electronics, telecommunication engineering, instrumentation, automation, power engineering – and to their special interests, our students will be able to:
a) design equipment and systems,
b) do measuring, qualifying, controlling tasks in production,
c) take part in installations and in operating the equipment and systems, and perform service-engineering, product-managing
d)to complete programming tasks and other activity.
The available specialisations:
- Automation,
- Communication technologies,
- Embedded systems,
- Energy.
They are prepared to continue their studies at a Masters course.
Students will obtain 210 credits
Main training areas:
Natural science fundamentasl 44 credit points
Economics and humanities 16 credit points
Professional knowledge in electrical engineering 81 credit points
Subjects for specialisations 44 credit points
Optional subject 10 credit points
Thesis 15 credit points
Total: 210 credit points
Teaching at the university is conducted in three different forms: lectures, seminars, and laboratory practice. Attendance at seminars and labs is strictly regulated by university rules; absence over 30% of classes entail a ban from examinations. There are two ways of assessment. A practical mark is awarded at the end of predominantly practical courses, and are solely based on a student’s term-time progress. An examination is required at theoretical courses, which can be taken in the exam period. In Hungary, a 5-point grading system is used. 1 is the only failing grade. There are only whole numbers in grading.
Description of the Hungarian grading system:
5 – Excellent – outstanding performance with only minor errors
4 – Good – generally sound work with a number of notable errors
3 – Satisfactory – fair but with significant shortcomings
2 – Sufficient – performance meets the minimum criteria
1 – Fail – considerable further work is required
Evaluation methods beyond the scope of the university regulations described above are at the lecturer’s discretion. The list is long, but the most common ones are
● mid-term and end-of-term written tests,
● project works,
● reports,
● mini-lectures,
● homeworks,
● oral presentations, etc.,
or any combination of them. There are no fixed percentage categories for different grades, but most commonly 50% is required for a pass. Normally, one retake is offered for a missed assignment. Term-time requirements with course syllabi, as well as dates and deadlines are listed in a document by the lecturer, and made public on the faculty website before the start of the semester.
The evaluation of progress is checked in the following ways:
a) during the semester with written or oral presentation, written test, or assessing home assignment,
(plan, measurement minutes etc.), with practical mark or signature,
b) passing a pre-examination during the semester,
c) passing an exam or a comprehensive exam in the exam period and
d) with final examination.
a) Final completion certificate (absolutorium) granted,
b) Degree project /thesis accepted by supervisor.
Admission to a final examination is subject to a final completion certificate being granted. A final completion certificate is issued by a higher education institution to a student who has complied with the study and examination requirements prescribed in the curriculum and completed the professional traineeship required, completion of the degree project / thesis –, and has acquired the credits prescribed.
Length of the traineeship is 6 weeks.
Electrical engineer is a highly seeking profession world wide, this means that you will have the possibility to look for and find the professional job what you are interesting for very quickly.
You will have possibility to works as/at:
- electrical engineer at power plants (renewables, noclear)
- jobs at power plant control systems
- professions from the power generation level to consumers level
- smart grids, electrical grids, grids
- engineer for automation for building automation
- engineer for automation for vehicles
- e-mobility
- engineer for drive technology for electric and traditional cars
- engineer for electric devices
- robots
- engineers at electric technology
- embedded systems
- enginners at sensor technology
- lightning technology
- instrument automation
- medical instruments and testing
- supervisory IT
- IT
- enginners at automated production systems
- computerized process automation
- engineers at communication technology with wired and wireless platforms
- engineers for quality assurance
- engineers for broadband optical and RF communication
- media technology and media communication tachnology
After you graduate as BSc (bachelor level or undergraduated) electric engineer, you will have open possibility to continue your study at MSc level.