MA International Public Service Studies
Tanulmányok helye | Magyarország, Budapest |
Típus | Master, teljes idejű képzés |
Névleges időtartam | 3 félévek (90 ECTS) |
Tanulmányok nyelve | angol |
Díjak | MA |
Kurzuskód | Political Science and Public Governance |
Felvételi követelmény | Alapdiploma (vagy magasabb szintű) A jelentkezési dokumentumokat a következő nyelveken tudjuk fogadni: angol. A iskola gyakran tud megfelelő nyelven készült indexmásolattal/kreditigazolással szolgálni. Amennyiben ez az Ön esetében nincs így, szüksége lesz hivatalos fordításra az eredeti dokumentum hivatalos másolatával együtt. Végül az egyetemre magával kell vinnie a bemeneti követelmények teljesítését igazoló dokumentumok eredeti példányát. |
Nyelvi követelmények | angol C1 |
Egyéb követelmények | A motivációs levél a jelentkezés kötelező melléklete. |
További információ |
Program description:
The aim of the training is to train experts who have the necessary knowledge and are capable of performing complex duties related to international relations at national and EU institutions, in the domestic central and regional public administration, in the foreign affairs, defense and law enforcement administration.
Entry requirements:
English language or English certified translation of personal documents, GPA or ECTS
Entrance exam:
Type of entrance exam:
Entrance exam location:
Entrance exam description:
Applications will be first reviewed for formal requirements. The admission score is calculated on the basis of the grade of your diploma and a motivation interview conducted with you. Maximum score: 100, and minimum score of 50 points is required for admission. Applicants will be ranked in order of excellence and available places will be filled accordingly. Maximum score of 50 points may be awarded for your diploma and maximum score of 50 points may be awarded for the motivation interview. Based on the obtained diploma, in case of five-tier system, the grade will be multiplied with 10 to receive your score for your degree/diploma. In case of three-tier system: rite is considered 30 points, cum laude: 40 points, summa cum laude: 50 points. In case of different evaluation system the Faculty’s Admission Committee determines your score by proper application of these provisions and on the basis of apportioning. In case you have more than one diploma in related fields (BA/BSc level or higher), the admission score will be awarded according to the better The motivation interview will be conducted online (via Skype) in English and will focus on the following aspects: a) personal competence, motivation, professional orientation and commitment, b) educational background, c) internship, d) public positions and activities (e.g. membership in professional associations), e) academic or research activities, f) future utilization of acquired knowledge and degree, g) general knowledge and understanding of the current international situation and trends, h) exceptional achievements in other areas (e.g. sports, art) An entry condition to the programme is that you have at least 60 ECTS credit points from your previous university studies in areas related to the programme. You cannot be admitted if you have less than 30 ECTS credit points in related areas. In case you have at least 30 but less than 60 related ECTS credit points, you’ll have the chance to obtain the missing credit points during the first two semesters of the programme in parallel with your regular studies. You will be asked to submit the officially certified course programmes and their English translation so we can verify the content of the courses. You can download the credit requirement form through the following link:
Mr Gergő Drahota
Academic coordinator
Preparatory year available:
Specialisation year available:
Minimum number of scholarship holders:
Maximum number of scholarship holders:
közép-európai időzóna
közép-európai időzóna