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MA Romanian Language, Literature and Culture

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Program description:
Catedra de Filologie Română a fost fondată în anul 1863. Era prima catedră de limba și literatura română în Europa, înființată în afara României. Catedra are mai multe contracte de colaborare cu universitățiile (Erasmus cu Universitatea din Oradea, Universitatea București, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai) și instituțiile academice (Institul de Istorie George Barițiu) din România. Diplomele obținute la catedra noastră, pe baza regulamentelor europene și a acordurilor bilaterale româno-maghiare sunt recunoscute și în România.
Cei care termină specialitatea pot să meargă mai departe la masterat, sau să se angaje. Iată câteva exemple unde lucrează unii care au terminat la noi: edituri, publicistică, ministerul afacerilor externe, relații culturale, autoguvernări, administrația de stat, turism etc.

The main goal of the program is to ensure good knowledge of the Romanian language and literature. This MA level provides for a thorough training in order for students to be able to work towards a PhD level. The program also focuses on practical training so that those who graduate will have a chance to engage in the competitive sphere of the labour market (translator, editor, publisher, etc.). Note that the program does not offer teaching qualifications.

The aim of this course is to train high-level specialists capable of meeting the specific demands of the labour market in the fields of cultural and intercultural exchange. In addition to local, national or international authorities in the public sector, it is important to underline the growing need for Romanian graduates in the private sector, e.g. with multinational companies.

The training will also prepare student to continue in one of the Doctoral Schools of the Faculty.
Our graduates find employment mainly in the sectors of education and research, tourism management, banking and finance, and intercultural communications.

Our graduates finish the program with a high level of Romanian. Many of them work as language teachers in language schools, as editors or literary translators, others find positions in the tourism industry, media and marketing, in governmental institutions or ministries, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Foreign Trade, and in international companies.

Strength of program:
The Department of Romanian Philology was founded in 1863. It was the first chair of the Romanian language and literature in Europe. The Department has several contracts with universities (University of Bucharest, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, University of Oradea) and academic institutions (George Bariţiu Academic Institute of History) from Romania. Degrees issued by the Faculty, based on European regulations and the Romanian-Hungarian bilateral agreements, are recognized in Romania and also in Europe.

Entry requirements: A B2-level, internationally recognized language certificate in the target language or a diploma in the target language. A bachelor degree in Romance Philology, Specialized in Romanian is also required.

Entrance exam: Yes

Type of entrance exam: oral

Entrance exam location: Electronic

Entrance exam description: The application documents are processed by the Department of International Affairs and then forwarded to the department responsible for the given degree programme. The department checks the documents and organizes an interview by telephone, online (e.g. Skype) or in person. After the entrance interview, the department comes to a decision and informs the Department of International Affairs.

Mr Rezso Jarmalov
Stipendium Hungaricum coordinator

Preparatory year available: No

Specialisation year available: No

Minimum number of scholarship holders: 2

Maximum number of scholarship holders: 5

Link: www.elte.hu/en/romanian-language-literature-and-culture-ma


Please find the list of study units here:

Romanian Language and Cultures


Those who graduate from our department can go on to master program, or can find a job. Here are some examples where those who have graduated with us, are working: publishing, journalism, school education, ministry of foreign affairs, cultural relations, self-government state government , tourism etc.

Job examples:
Publishing, journalism, school education, ministry of foreign affairs, cultural relations, self-government, state government, tourism etc.

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