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Classical Musical Instrumental Performance (Piano, Violin, Flute, Guitar)

More information



Program description:
The programme focuses on developing skills in musical performance and artistic
qualities at the highest level. These programmes are for the truly committed –
for those young artists who wish to be regular public performers. The aim of the
programme is to develop:
· the technical abilities of a true virtuoso,
· consistent, reliable performances,
· a detailed stylistic knowledge of all major eras and genres of classical music
related to the instrument studied,
· the ability to shape the musical process to the finest nuances with ease and
· a fundamental respect for the composer’s instructions, sensitively combined
with the performer’s own ideas and personality.
In addition to solo performance, chamber music also plays a major role in the
programme. Supplementary subjects such as the history of music, analysis and
composition practice serve to further widen the theoretical knowledge of the

Entrance exam:

Type of entrance exam:

Entrance exam location:

Entrance exam description:
Evaluating language competence by means of interview.

Ms Beáta Seres
international coordinator

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment