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BScInternational Business Economics

More information



Program description:
The programme provides an extensive understanding of international markets and teaches managing cross-border transactions that support business development, conducting business in an international environment and discover the links between international business management and financial, technological, political forces influencing the world economy.

Entry requirements:
Completed high school studies, B2 level English language certificate (TOEFL/IELTS/ESOL/BEC/ECL/PTE/FCE/CAE/TELC/TOEIC/Euroexam) or Attestation of Language Proficiency in the case of former studies in English.

Entrance exam:

Type of entrance exam:

Entrance exam location:

Entrance exam description:
After sending all the necessary application documents, the applicant takes a professional entrance examination via Skype organised by the Admission Committee of the Faculty of Business and Economics.

Preparatory year available:

Ms Tünde Vajda
program administrator

Programme structure

The programme structure is available here: www.gtk.uni-pannon.hu/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/BSc-in-International-Business-Economics2023.jpeg

Career opportunities

Where graduates may find a job:
- multinational corporations,
- international trade enterprises,
- international service providers,
- organisations participating in (EU) projects),
- organisations in interstate relations,
- international professional associations,
- printed and electronic media,
- municipalities,
- non-governmental organisations.
The knowledge and skills acquired will enable you to start up and operate your own business.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment
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