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MScHealth Policy, Planning and Financing

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Delivering healthcare – leadership, financing, marketing and policy-making. Explore multi-disciplines, including health economics and public healthcare strategies.

​Our MSc in Health Policy, Planning and Financing is a multidisciplinary programme and attracts healthcare professionals (including doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists and therapists) with a strong interest in the business side of healthcare. Conversely, business graduates and professionals looking to break into healthcare management are drawn to this exciting programme.

If you envision a career in healthcare management or setting healthcare policies and making health insurance decisions, this programme is the perfect choice for you.

You will critically evaluate socio-economics and administrative problems within a healthcare framework and construct innovative solutions. You will become capable of devising strategies, to achieve the optimal goals of your organisation or for society.

Dive into the economics of health innovation. Learn how to analyse the potential effects of the pricing and marketing methods of healthcare technologies and services. Multiple compulsory modules will give you the means to understand bio-statistics, public health, healthcare law and ethics, and healthcare financing.

Entry requirements:
Undergraduate degree meeting minimum credit requirements (see above)

Entrance exam:

Type of entrance exam:
There is no entrance exam. You must produce a valid certificate in any of the following tests before the entrance exam period (1 April) with the minimum scores stated.
-GMAT (500)
-GRE (300)
-NMAT (165)
-GMAT FE (485).

Note: meeting the minimum score does not guarantee admission, but you will be ineligible if you don’t meet this requirement. The actual threshold will be set by the Dean in late April.

Important: If you have a 5 (A) or 4 (B) grade degree from an AACSB/EQUIS accredited or CEMS member university you don’t need to submit a test certificate or take part in the interview. This only applies if you already have your degree before 1 April.”

Career opportunities

Our graduates progress to roles including:
- Healthcare Insurer
- Healthcare Consultant
- Healthcare Manager
- Healthcare Financial Counsellor
- Healthcare Financial Analyst.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment