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Program description:
Biology MSc course trains the researchers of the future in the fields of genetics, plant biology, ecology, evolutionary biology and zoology. Students will learn
specialised knowledge in biology, ecology;
how to plan and carry out research project, collect and analyse data, write up and publish results;
perform their own small scale research projects under the supervision of world recognised experts of biology and ecology.

Entry requirements:
BSc diploma in biological/life sciences or in related discipline in natural sciences.

Entrance exam:

Type of entrance exam:

Entrance exam location:

Entrance exam description:
The professional evaluation of the educational materials (degree, transcripts, results) is the task of the relevant Faculty. This evaluation is followed by a Skype interview with one of the professors of the Faculty, which aims to check the applicant’s level of motivation, language skills and professional knowledge. (In case of a missing certificate about the English language proficiency we conduct a Skype interview in order to check the applicant’s English language skills.)

Ms Lilla Fónai
Admissions Officer

Preparatory year available:

Specialisation year available:

Programme structure

Students have to take 120 credits:
- 36 credits of general knowledge from the fields of molecular biology, genetics,
theoretical biology, evolutionary biology, plant and animal biology, ecology;
- 48 credits of specialized knowledge of genetics, plant biology, ecology and
- 30 cred its of thesis;
- 6 credits of optional subjects of the faculty.

Career opportunities

Graduates can choose from a wide range of positions in research laboratories, educational institutions, hospitals, clinics, environmental agencies, and pharmaceutical, food, agricultural, and chemical companies.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment
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