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Program description:
The Earth Sciences BSc line offers full 3-year-education in earth sciences. The program provides a general bachelor level education in earth sciences and also offers the possibility to specialize in Geology. It includes introductory modules to Nature sciences, Geology and also Geography. The core of the program is based on the fundamental issues of earth sciences and includes topics in Astronomy, Cartography, Geomorphology, Geophysics, Geochemistry, Hydrology, Meteorology, Palaeontology, Paleoclimatology, Remote sensing, Stratigraphy, etc. while a strong regional geographical aspect is also present. The program also includes a variety of human geographical courses.

Entrance exam:

Type of entrance exam:

Entrance exam location:

Entrance exam description:
Making a 100-point ranking out of the admission requirements. 50 point could be given for the basic previous academic achievement and the other 50 point could be reached for the oral entrance exam.

Mr Roland Pócza
international coordinator

Programme structure


1st year

Chemistry basics lecture I.& II.
Physics basics lecture I. & II.
Introduction to Geology practice & lecture
Remote sensing lecture
Historical geology and paleontology lecture
Geomorphology lecture

2nd year

Introduction to hydrology and hydrogeology practice and lecture
Field measurements, documentation, geological mapping practice
Analytical techniques in geology practice
Introduction to hydrometeorology practice
Petrographic microscopy practice
Mineralogy practice

3rd year

Data acquisition methods practice
Structural geology practice & lecture
Construction of geological maps and sections practice
Economic geology lecture
Introduction to ArcGIS practice
Degree works/Thesis writing

Career opportunities

IGES Earth Scientists at the University of Pécs have a particularly good track record of securing excellent employment in various businesses, as well as private and public companies, including various water management companies, environmental protection enterprises, national parks, local governments, and in the diverse fields of regional development. The popularity of our students in the job market is partly due to the significant project management skills they develop by undertaking their supported dissertation research.

Also keep in mind that our training focuses on expertise and skills that are adaptable to altered job market demands, with which you may plan your future career in a flexible manner.

By studying this degree, a range of career opportunities are open to you.
For example, you could work in:

energy sector (including renewables)
petroleum exploration, and greenhouse gas sequestration
natural resources (mining and mineral resources)
land and water management
risk and hazard management
environmental planning and regulation
environmental consultancy
sustainability consultancy
science communication and education

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Not available for applying at the moment
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