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MACommunity and Civil Development Studies

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The aim of the studies is to train community and civil development professionals who are able to work effectively in the life of the communities, knowing the values of the communities and the national, European and global role of civil society and nonprofit organizations. They are committed to the development of civil society / non-profit organizations and local communities, to the improvement of the quality of life, and to help solving the problems in the community. As a result, the students will be able to apply their community and civil development knowledge and skills in decisions of the social and economic life, international relations and communication, as well as in their professional carrier. They are prepared to continue their studies in doctoral training.
Our students launch community development initiatives and activate the local population for local action.

They provide professional assistance for the unfolding local action.
They help cooperation between community groups formed through self-organization, non-governmental organizations and the business and public sector.
They participate and help to prepare local development plans and strategies, training programs They create new local services and community enterprises (nonprofit information offices, community centers, advisory services, for-profit – new type – cooperatives).
Through the integration of current national and European opportunities, trends, priorities, and adequate methodological knowledge, they provide advice, presenting possible alternatives to local community groups.
They provide information and explore the possibilities of access, and participate in the development of the local community groups’ own information system.
They organize and develop the local public.
They organize local movements, conferences, workshops and forums.
They establish partnerships with organizations dedicated to promoting the development (management) of resources (micro-regional development offices, training institutions of employment centers).
They plan, implement, evaluate and monitor complex nonprofit development programs.

Entrance exam description:

Applicants with a full application package will be notified about the exact time and date of application interviews conducted via Skype or Ms Teams. Applicants are responsible for having technically suitable conditions for the interview from their side.

Applicants are expected to be prepared taking questions regarding the compulsory admission materials (see: Recommended Readings) from the side of admission committee composed of a professor, a lecturer and a student representative.

The application interview via Skype or via Ms Teams will include a discussion on the following topics:

Recommended Readings:
State of Civil Society Report 2018. Year in Review: Top Ten Trends. CIVICUS 2018.
Arapovics Mária – Vercseg Ilona (ed.): Community Development Methodological guide. Hungarian Open Air Museum Museum Education and Methodology Centre NMI Institute for Culture Nonprofit Ltd. National Széchényi Library 2019.
Gyenes Zsuzsa (ed.): In the Service of Communities – in Small Local Communities. Collection of case studies. 2020

Contact person:
International Office, Eszter Borbála Bagi
E-mail: international@tatk.elte.hu

Programme structure

Click here to find out more information about the structure of the program

Career opportunities

Our former students have been working as academic researchers or professors in different universities: as civil experts or community developers at municipalities, at cultural community centers, at community houses or museums. Most of them became leaders of Hungarian or international non-governmental and voluntary organizations. Some of them have also found job possibilities in market research and multinational companies. Others work as social workers, social politicians or members of media.

Job examples:
Community organisers, community developers
charities workers
nonprofit managers
projectmanagers, fundraisers
SCR developers
International aid/development workers
Social researchers
civil referents
Academic researchers, market researchers

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment
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