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The aim of the programme is to train professionals in the theoretical foundations and basic methods of psychology and also, to give an insight into the applied branches of its disciplines such as possessing skills and techniques that can be used in order to measure, explore and develop individuals, groups or organizations through experiments. Students will obtain an integrated knowledge of education, communication, socialization, learning and human development. It also aims to provide modern knowledge and true sense of vocation that support further learning in any psychology MA.

Entrance examination: A discussion in English about a popular psychology-related article, which the applicant receives at the beginning of the examination. The applicant has one hour to read the article before the discussion begins. The article is from a popular psychology magazine. The applicant is expected to be able to summarize the main points of the article and reply to related questions. The committee checks whether the applicant has the adequate vocabulary to understand the topic and needs to see to what extent the applicant has text analysing skills. Notes can be taken during reading and used in the discussion. There will also be a short discussion about the applicant’s background and motivation. The entrance exam can be taken in person or via Teams (you do not need to download the app).

For further details, please, contact Ms. Violetta Frank at

Programme structure


Career opportunities

The activity of a behaviour-analyst can find its grounds and justification in every organization, field, institute, where the following processes take place: education, qualification, development, leadership, recruitment, selection, re-education, correction, or health activities. Furthermore, a behaviour analyst can also work in any psychological laboratory and can complete and evaluate several standard experiments and aptitude tests of organisational psychology. Naturally – in specific cases – the supervision of a qualified psychologist is obligatory. A behaviour analyst is trained and prepared to conduct and analyse several experiments regarding human interventions, like* standard or intentional survey of competence, adaptivity, attitude or functioning, the demand for such professionals can be characterized as significant and remarkable. Institutes that already employ a well-trained and qualified psychologist can also claim professionals to work under supervision and deepen their competence this way. Thus, the human resources and financial budgets might get better organized and become more productive whilst remaining cost effective – benefiting both employers and employees.

Job examples

Assistant in psychological researches

Not available for applying at the moment

Application deadlines apply to citizens of: United States

Not available for applying at the moment

Application deadlines apply to citizens of: United States

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