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Program description:
Optometrists are able to utilise their optic, optometric, measuring and clinical knowledge gained during the training programme, conduct the examination and correction of the eye individually and prescribe optical aids (eyeglasses, contact lenses) with the aim of attaining the optimal visual acuity in patients. The professionals are able to estimate the refractive medium, refractive ability, errors of refraction, the way eye muscles function, and the ability of heterophoria and convergence. They examine binocular vision, the chamber of the eye, crystalline lens, vitreous humour and the eye fundus with the help of a slit lamp, and they estimate ocular tension. Optometrists utilise their clinical and nursing knowledge during their daily activities, actively participate in improving the culture of vision of individuals, communities and the population. Through examinations, the optometrist recognises and evaluates the disorders of the eyeand so contributes to the immediate receipt of specialised care.

Entry requirements:
School leaving exam


Programme structure

The detailed requirements for teaching and studies, as well as the detailed regulations for training are laid down in the curriculum. The curriculum comprises compulsory, compulsory elective and elective subjects. A compulsory subject is one the completion of which is prescribed for everyone concerned in the programme. To complete an elective subject, students can choose from a set of subjects listed by the institution (especially specializations in a programme or subjects requiring special differentiated knowledge, degree thesis.)

A credit point (study point) is a unit of measure of average total student coursework workload needed to complete a subject (coursework unit). Credits can only be awarded for the subjects which are evaluated on a fiveor three-point grading system. The credit point value is independent of the
mark obtained, but the precondition of validating it is fulfilment of the conditions of this present set of rules, by fulfilling the requirements for a particular subject at least at pass level, or in the case of a 3-point grading scale at least at satisfactory level.

One credit point corresponds to fulfilment of 30 working hours of student workload. Student work includes both the hours spent at a lesson (contact hours) and the individual work (individual hours).

Career opportunities

Optic Shops, Outpatient Ophthalmologic Clinics and Hospitals, Optical Products and Project Management, Ophthalmologic Diagnostic Laboratories, Ophthalmic Assistance, Ophthalmic Research Projects Graduates of the Medical Diagnostic Analyst.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment
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