Study location | Hungary, Pécs |
Type | Bachelor, partial/exchange studies |
Nominal duration | 1-2 semesters |
Study language | Hungarian |
Awards | BSc |
Course code | Natural Science |
Entry qualification | High school / secondary education (or higher) The entry qualification documents are accepted in the following languages: English / Hungarian. Often you can get a suitable transcript from your school. If this is not the case, you will need official translations along with verified copies of the original. You must take the original entry qualification documents along with you when you finally go to the university. |
Language requirements | Hungarian B2 |
Other requirements | At least 2 reference(s) should be provided. - notarized certificate of school leaving examination |
More information |
Entrance exam:
Type of entrance exam:
Entrance exam location:
Entrance exam description:
Making a 100-point ranking out of the admission requirements. 50 point could be given for the basic previous academic achievement and the other 50 point could be reached for the oral entrance exam.
Mr Roland Pócza
international coordinator
Career opportunities
A képzés célja:
A képzés célja: matematikusok képzése, akik olyan elméleti és alkalmazott matematikai ismeretekkel rendelkeznek, melyek képessé teszik őket arra, hogy alapszintű matematikai ismereteiket műszaki, gazdasági, statisztikai és számítógépes területen alkalmazzák, továbbá hogy tanulmányaikat a képzés második ciklusában folytassák.
The purpose of the program:
The aim of the programme: training of mathematicians possessing knowledge in theoretical and applied mathematics, which enable them to apply their elementary level mathematical knowledge in technical, economical, statistical and computerized area, furthermore, to continue their studies in the second cycle of the programme.